Alex Sanchez is an internationally recognized peacemaker and co-founder of Homies Unidos in Los Angeles where he has developed and implemented innovative prevention and intervention programs since 1998 and has also lead the organization as Executive Director since 2006.
An outspoken community leader, Alex's commitment to disenfranchised you and their family in the Latino and largely Central American communities of the Pico Union, Westlake and Koreatown areas of Los Angeles, is rooted in his own personal journey that included having been a gang-involved youth, target of the INS, LAPD and Salvadoran nationall police and death squads. After being involved in gangs and serving tme in state prison, he was deported in 1994 to El Salvador where he met the founder of Homies Unidoes, Magdaleno Rose Avila, and other striving for social change. This turning point marked Alex's commitment to improve his life and to help other youth do the same.
He has been sought out to consult with academics, journalist, filmmakers, elected officals, non-profit agencies and advocates at local national and transitional levels to address youth violence prevention and intervention and is the recipent of many awards including the Drum Major Award from the Martin Luther King Legacy Assoc., the Lottie Wexler Award, the AGAPE Award and others. He is husband, father, and symbol of peace, compassion and courage to his family and community.
Alex is currently facing federal charges for violation of federal RICO statue laws, alleging his peacekeeping efforts are just a front for furthering the illegal activities of the MS-13 street gang. Alex was denied bail twice. It was subsequently released in December of 2009. Alex must now face a long trial towards freedom, but the granting of bail is a welcomed step. Alex's trial is scheduled to begin in October 2010.
Where do you stand? Do you think Alex was sincere in his efforts as peacekeeping? Do you think there is a valid case? Why or why not, what legally support your position on the issue if possible?